Te Maru o Hinemihi President: Tuhourangi Representative
Jim is a Maori Built Heritage Adviser (Traditional Arts) to the NZ Historic Places Trust – Pouhere Taonga. Born and raised in Rotorua NZ into a family that has maintained and practised Maori Arts and Crafts for generations, Jim’s traditional knowledge and skills have been passed down through his family. His great-great grandfather was Tene Waitere, one of the principal carvers on Hinemihi o Te Ao Tawhito. Jim and his wife Cathy have conducted workshops all over New Zealand to pass on their skills. Harvesting and preparing natural resource materials has become a key component of restoration workshops which have taken place on marae, in schools, tertiary institutions, and museums.
Jim is a Maori Built Heritage Adviser (Traditional Arts) to the NZ Historic Places Trust – Pouhere Taonga. Born and raised in Rotorua NZ into a family that has maintained and practised Maori Arts and Crafts for generations, Jim’s traditional knowledge and skills have been passed down through his family. His great-great grandfather was Tene Waitere, one of the principal carvers on Hinemihi o Te Ao Tawhito. Jim and his wife Cathy have conducted workshops all over New Zealand to pass on their skills. Harvesting and preparing natural resource materials has become a key component of restoration workshops which have taken place on marae, in schools, tertiary institutions, and museums.